
What is The Australian Standard Jemmy Test

Aug. 02, 2023


Security doors play a crucial role in safeguarding homes and businesses from unauthorized access, burglary, and intruders. As the demand for enhanced security solutions continues to grow, the need for standardized testing methods becomes essential. In Australia, one such essential test is the Australian Standard Jemmy Test for security doors. This test ensures that security doors meet specific quality and strength criteria, providing consumers with reliable and effective protection.


Understanding Security Doors

Definition of Security Doors

Security doors are specialized doors designed with additional features to prevent unauthorized entry. They are made from sturdy materials such as steel, aluminum, or wrought iron, and often feature reinforced frames and advanced locking systems.

Importance of Security Doors

Security doors offer numerous benefits, such as:

Enhanced Protection: Security doors act as a robust barrier against intruders, providing peace of mind to homeowners and business owners.

Improved Safety: They not only protect against break-ins but also help keep occupants safe during emergencies.

Energy Efficiency: Some security doors are designed to enhance insulation, reducing energy consumption.

Aesthetic Appeal: Modern security doors come in various designs, complementing the overall aesthetics of the property.


Australian Standard Jemmy Test Explained

What is the Jemmy Test?

The Australian Standard Jemmy Test is a vital procedure used to evaluate the strength and security of security doors. It involves attempting to force open the door using jemmy or crowbar-like instrument.

Purpose of the Jemmy Test

The primary purpose of the Jemmy Test is to assess whether the security door can withstand potential break-in attempts. By subjecting the door to controlled force, manufacturers and consumers can determine its resistance to forced entry.

Testing Process

The test is performed with a large screwdriver at all locking, hinging and fastening points. The force applied is up to 450 N (45 kg) for 20 seconds – far beyond the capability of most potential intruders. In order to pass the Jemmy Test, the security door must remain securely closed.

Interpreting the Results

The test results are interpreted based on whether the security door passes or fails the Jemmy Test. If no part of the edge of the security screen door or window grille shall have deflected to the extent that the gap between the security screen door or window grille and the door or window frame is greater than 15cm, perpendicular to the door or window frame after the jemmy test has been completed. Then pass the test. On the other hand, if the door shows signs of vulnerability or fails to withstand the force, it is marked as a failure, indicating the need for improvements. The quality of the hardware and the stiffness of aluminium section framing are key factors in determining whether security doors and window screens pass the test.


Compliance with Australian Standards

Importance of Compliance

For security doors to be considered reliable and effective, they must comply with the Australian Standards for security products. Compliance ensures that the doors meet specific quality and safety requirements.

Consequences of Non-Compliance

Security doors that do not meet the Australian Standards risk providing inadequate protection. Non-compliant doors may be more susceptible to break-ins, compromising the safety of occupants and their belongings.


Selecting the Right Security Door

Factors to Consider

When choosing a security door, consider the following factors:

Security Level: Determine the level of security required based on the property's location and specific needs.

Material: Choose a durable and resilient material that suits the environmental conditions.

Locking Mechanism: Opt for advanced locking systems to enhance security.

Design and Aesthetics: Select a door that complements the property's architectural style.

Types of Security Doors

There are various types of security doors available, including:

Mesh Security Doors: Ideal for allowing airflow while maintaining security. Domine is a security mesh manufacturer with 22 years of production experience. Check for more details.

Grille Security Doors: Featuring metal bars that provide excellent protection.

Solid Core Security Doors: Made from solid materials to offer maximum security.

Cost Considerations

While cost is an essential factor, it is crucial not to compromise on quality. Investing in a high-quality security door ensures long-term protection and peace of mind.


Proper Installation and Maintenance

Installation Guidelines

To ensure the security door functions optimally, professional installation is essential. Improper installation may lead to vulnerabilities and reduce the door's effectiveness.

Regular Maintenance Tips

Proper maintenance is crucial to extending the life and performance of the security door. Regularly inspect the door, clean it, and promptly address any issues that arise.



In conclusion, security doors are indispensable for safeguarding properties against intruders and potential threats. The Australian Standard Jemmy Test ensures that these doors meet strict quality standards and offer reliable protection. When selecting a security door, always consider the specific needs of your property and invest in compliance with Australian Standards. By doing so, you can rest assured that your security door will effectively protect your home or business.



1. What are the common materials used for security doors?

The common materials used for security doors include steel, aluminum, and wrought iron.

2. How often should security doors be tested?

It is recommended to have security doors tested periodically, especially after any significant impact or damage.

3. Can security doors be customized?

Yes, many manufacturers offer customizable options for security doors to suit individual preferences and property requirements.

4. Are security doors fire-resistant?

While some security doors may offer fire-resistant properties, not all security doors are specifically designed for fire protection. It is essential to inquire about fire ratings before making a purchase.

5. Can I install a security door myself?

For the best results and to ensure proper functionality, it is recommended to have security doors professionally installed. However, some manufacturers provide DIY installation kits for experienced individuals.


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